Saturday, February 26, 2011

9th Evaluative lesson plan + material


Student-teacher: Agnė Verikaitė
School: Vilniaus Viršuliškių Secondary school
Date: February 25, 2011
Time: 1200 – 1245
Form: 11c
Level: intermediate
Materials: New Streetwise Intermediate Student’s book
Topic: Taking risks
Aims:  1) to improve students’ reading skills in particular text
            2) to improve students’ speaking skills at particular topic
            3) to introduce some new vocabulary related to transport

What if…?



Greets the students, asks why there are only few students at the lesson.  

Greet the teacher and answer her question.

To create a welcoming atmosphere.


Setting plan       (3min)

Teacher says that they have finished their Enterprise books so today they will get sheets of paper with a text and some tasks on it. The text and tasks are related to their previous topic: transport.

Students listen to the teacher.  

To make students interested in the lesson.

To introduce them the lesson plan.



Teacher asks students whether they have a driving license. Then she gives more questions. E.g. How do you think who have more accidents women drivers or make drivers? Who are the worst drivers in Lithuania? Why do they make accidents? Did you see any accident on the streets? Was it frightening? Etc.

Students try to answer the questions and have a discussion with their teacher and each other.

To make students interested in the lesson.

To improve students’ speaking skills about particular topic.

If students don’t know any words teacher helps them. Also, she gives some hints and easier questions to help them.






Teacher asks to look at the sheet of papers which she gave them and read the phrases which are written above the text. Then teacher explains that while reading the text they have to insert these phrases.

Teacher asks to read the text and insert the phrases.

While reading the text teacher explains unknown words for the students. E.g. egg on, fiercely, overtake, weave, overreach, reckless, deliberately, etc.

After that teacher gives some questions about the text. E.g. Who do you think had most responsibility for the accident? Why Oldfield didn’t listen to the guy who wanted to stop him? Why did he want to show off? Etc.

One student reads the phrases and translates in Lithuanian.

Students read the text one by one and insert the correct phrases. What is more, they translate the text in Lithuanian.

Students discuss these questions with their teacher and each other.

To revise what is review writing and to develop learners’ skills to speak about their favourite books or films.

To improve students’ reading skills in particular text.

To introduce some new vocabulary related with transport.

To improve students’ speaking skills at particular topic.

If students didn’t do their HW, they have to do it for the next lesson.

If student gives a correct answer then teacher praises him or her.



Teacher asks to look at the exercise 4 where they have to match the verbs in A to the definitions in B. First of all, she asks one student to read the verbs and another student to read the definitions. Also, they translate everything in Lithuanian.

Then teacher gives 1 minute to match the verbs with the definitions.

After that she asks students’ to read the correct answers.

Finally, teacher wishes a good weekend for her students and says that the lesson is finished.

Students read the verbs and definitions and translate them in Lithuanian.

Students match the verbs with the definitions.

Volunteers read the correct answers.

Students thank for the teacher.

To enhance students’ vocabulary.

To create a friendly atmosphere.

If students do not manage to do the exercise on time then they have to do it at home as their HW.

8th Evaluative lesson plan


Student-teacher: Agnė Verikaitė
School: Vilniaus Viršuliškių Secondary school
Date: January 24, 2011
Time: 1255 – 1340
Form: 11c
Level: intermediate
Materials: Enterprise 4 Intermediate Grammar
Topic: Revision
Aims:  1) to revise grammar topics which students’ learnt at unit 12
            2) to do a progress test from units 11-12

What if…?



Greets the students. Asks how their preparation is going on for some event at the school.  

Greet the teacher and answer her questions.

To create a welcoming and pleasant atmosphere.


Setting plan

Teacher introduces what they are going to do at the lesson. They are going to do some exercises from revision and do a progress test from units 11 and 12.

Students listen to their teacher, if something is not clear then they can ask.

To make students interested into the lesson.

To present their lesson targets.



Teacher asks to open their Grammar books at page 127 and look at the exercise 3 where they have to fill in the correct form of the word given. Teacher gives 3 minutes to do the task.

After they do the tasks she asks to read it one by one.

Then teacher asks to look at the exercise 4 where they can see a key word transformation task. Teacher reminds that they cannot change the word in bold.

Students carefully do the task.

Students read the answers one by one.

Students do this task reading one by one together with the teacher.

To check their knowledge of active vocabulary.

To check their understanding of particular grammar rules.

If students are tired (because it is 6th lesson) then teacher does exercise together with the students.



The teacher asks students to open their books at page 159 and look at the progress test from units 11 and 12. She explains the task and gives 20 minutes for them to do the task.

Finally, teacher asks to read the answers out loud.

Students attentively listen to their teacher and do the progress test.  

Students read the progress test one by one and say the correct answers. Also, they count how many mistakes they did in the test and evaluate themselves.

To revise almost all the grammar rules and active vocabulary which they learnt at 11 and 12 units.  

If students are talking or disturbing the lesson then teacher collects their work and writes a mark.  

Teacher praise her students if they give correct answers.

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

7th Self Evaluation + self evaluation table + a lesson plan

Today I had my 7th Self Evaluation lesson. It was quite boring and I was not in a mood. I'm happy it was not my Evaluative lesson. First of all, I felt not really good at the lesson because of my personal experiences which has nothing to do with my teaching and my practice at school. But I hope everything will be alright though. Second, it was an early morning so it gave some minuses too. Anyway, we managed to do more revision tasks on Grammar books. It was quite boring as I said because there was no variation of the tasks and I couldn't change it because my mentor asked me to do these tasks at the lesson. As always there were no problems with class management and general shape of the lesson. I always follow my lesson plan. The same I did this time. It was quite useful because I knew what I have to do next. There are no problems with my voice too. I always speak at the right speed so that students would be able to understand me. If something is wrong, I ask them if they want me to repeat or explain. Maybe because I wasn't in mood at this lesson my students felt not very well too. But it's so hard to smile when you're feeling bad. Probably it might be the reason why some of the students were not interested into the lesson all the time. Finally, I evaluated myself critically and drew conclusions.

7th Self-evaluation table

Rate the lesson according to the following scale:
Does not at                    neutral                                     Is a totally
all reflect                                                                      accurate reflection
what went on                                                                of what
                                                                                     went on
Personal qualities
  1. My voice was clearly audible to all the students all of the time   1 2 3 4 5
  2. I spoke at the right speed                   1 2 3 4 5
  3. I controlled the level of my own language  1 2 3 4 5
  4. I established and maintained a purposeful working atmosphere   1 2 3 4 5
  5. I developed positive relationships with students that result in             
students feeling safe and confident.        1 2 3 4 5

General shape of the lesson
  1. I identified clear objectives appropriate to the subject and the           
students                                1 2 3 4 5
  1. The overall shape and balance of the lesson worked out as            planned                                 1 2 3 4 5
  2. My lesson plan was very useful    1 2 3 4 5
  3. I followed the stages of my lesson plan   1 2 3 4 5
  4. There was variation in types of activities  1 2 3 4 5
  5.  I set tasks for whole class, individual and group work 1 2 3 4 5
  6. The time each activity took worked out as planed   1 2 3 4 5
  7. The pace of each segment was appropriate for the type                  
of activity       1 2 3 4 5

Materials, aids
  1. The materials were appropriate with regard to the age and level of the class
- in terms of their linguistic difficulty    1 2 3 4 5 
- in terms of their functional difficulty and use  1 2 3 4 5
  1. My blackboard was clear and well laid out          1 2 3 4 5
  2. My visual aids were necessary, clear and effective  1 2 3 4 5

Classroom management
  1. I did not have problems in managing the class   1 2 3 4 5
  2. I gave clear instructions and demonstrations     1 2 3 4 5
  3. The sitting position of the students was appropriate for the type
of the activity involved                           1 2 3 4 5
  1. The arrangement of groups and other students’ movement in the
class went on smoothly             1 2 3 4 5

  1. The questions were phrased correctly to get the answers I                wanted                               1 2 3 4 5
  2. The types of questions were varied          1 2 3 4 5
  3. The types of questions were graded from easy to understand to difficult                              1 2 3 4 5
  4. I distributed my questions among the students equally 1 2 3 4 5

  1. I gave the students an opportunity for genuine communication  1 2 3 4 5
  2. I ensured that the students take part in communication activities 1 2 3 4 5

Students’ response
  1. All the students were interested all of the time    1 2 3 4 5

  1. I coped effectively with the students’ errors which arose in the
class                                                                      1 2 3 4 5

  1. I paid enough attention to each student in the class   1 2 3 4 5
  2. I checked that every student had understood
the main teaching point                             1 2 3 4 5

  1. I coped well with everything unexpected         1 2 3 4 5

  1. I succeeded in achieving my aim                                    1 2 3 4 5
  2. The students gained much from the lesson                     1 2 3 4 5
  3. I evaluated my teaching critically and drew conclusions     1 2 3 4
                                                     7th SELF EVALUATION LESSON PLAN

Student-teacher: Agnė Verikaitė
School: Vilniaus Viršuliškių Secondary school
Date: February 22, 2011
Time: 855 – 940
Form: 11c
Level: intermediate
Materials: Enterprise 4 Intermediate Grammar
Topic: revision
Aims:  1) to do some revision tasks with adjectives, adverbs, comparisons, types of
            comparisons and like/as

What if…?



Greets the students.

Greet the teacher.

To establish contact with the students.


Setting plan       (3min)

Introduces what they are going to do at the lesson. What tasks they will do.

Students listen to the teacher attentively.

To give information about today’s lesson.

To make students interested in the lesson.



Teacher asks to open their books at page 124 and look at the exercise 17. They have to fill in the correct particle(s). Before doing the exercise teacher asks one student to read the box at the top of the exercise. Then she gives 5 minutes to do the exercise. After that they read it all together.

Then teacher says to look at the other exercise 18 where they have to fill in the correct preposition. But before doing the exercise teacher again asks one student to read the box at the top of the exercise. Then teacher gives 4 minutes to do the exercise. After that they read the answers together.

Then teacher asks to do the exercise 19 where they have to complete each sentence with two or five words, including the word in bold. This exercise contains phrasal verbs, prepositions, adjective structures, etc. She gives 5 minutes to do the task.

Then she asks to move to the exercise 20, where they have the same task as in the exercise 19. She gives 5 minutes again to do the task.

After that teacher says to look at the exercise 21, where they have to cross out the unnecessary word. She asks to do it together with her.

Then she asks to move to the exercise 22, where they have to fill in the correct form of the words in brackets. Again she asks to do it together with her.

Then teacher asks to open books at page 126 where is an exercise 1. They have to choose the correct item.

Finally, teacher asks to do the exercise 2 at page 127. After they do the exercise she asks to read it and give the correct answers. Then they are free to go.

Students listen to the teacher then open their books.

One of the students read the box with phrasal verbs and translates in Lithuanian.

When students do the exercise they read it one by one with correct answers.

Students look at the exercise and then one student reads the table with prepositions and translates in Lithuanian. Then they do the exercise.

After they do the exercise, they read it one by one.

Students do the task. When they are done they read the exercise out loud with the correct answers.

Students do the task. Then read it one by one.

Students are reading one by one and giving the right answers.

Students read one by one and give the correct forms of the words in brackets.

Students do the task while reading one by one.

Students do the exercise then check the correct answers with the teacher.

To check students’ knowledge of grammar.

To check students’ knowledge of grammar.

To give some independent work in the classroom.

To check students’ knowledge of grammar and particular grammar rules.

To check students’ knowledge of grammar and particular grammar rules.

To check students’ understanding of particular grammar rules.

To check their knowledge of word formation.

To revise grammar structures which they learnt in this book.

If students do not concentrate and keep on talking then teacher asks to do all the tasks till the end of the lesson and give the answers to her so that she could write them marks.

If student gives a correct answer teacher praises him/her.

7th Evaluative lesson plan


Student-teacher: Agnė Verikaitė
School: Vilniaus Viršuliškių Secondary school
Date: February 21, 2011
Time: 1200 – 1245
Form: 11c
Level: intermediate
Materials: Enterprise 4 Intermediate, Laser Pre-FCE (B1)
Topic: revision
Aims:  1) to finish module-self assessment (units 10-12), to revise what students have learnt in
            these units
            2) to read a text about means of transport, answer questions and do tasks

What if…?



Greets the students, asks if someone else is coming to the lesson, checks attendance and starts the lesson.

Also, teacher asks a few students who didn’t write a test from adjectives to sit at the front tables and prepare sheets of paper. Then teacher explains what they have to do and wishes good luck.

Greet the teacher and answer her questions.

To create establish contact with the students.

To check students’ understanding of previous grammar topic.

If students are not prepared, they are allowed to write the next day, but they will get a lower mark.


Setting plan

Teacher introduces what they are going to do at the lesson. They will finish module self-assessment (units 10-12) and they will read a text “First Time in the Air”.

Students listen to the teacher.

To inform what they are going to do at the lesson.

To make students interested in the lesson.


Checking HW

Teacher asks to open their books at page 156 and look at the exercise 5 where they had to fill in the correct words from the lists below.

After they read an exercise, teacher asks to continue and read the exercise 6 at page 157.

Then teacher asks to read the exercise 7 where they had to fill in the blanks with as or like.

After that teacher asks to read the exercise 8 where they had to fill in the blanks with the correct tense.

Finally, teacher asks to read out loud the last exercise 9. Here students had to cross out the unnecessary words.

Students open their books and read 2 paragraphs. One student reads the 1st paragraph and the other student reads the 2nd paragraph.

This time students read on by one because there are lots of sentences.

Students read the exercise again one by one.

One student reads the whole text.

Students read one by one and explain why this or the other word is unnecessary in the sentence.

To check students’ vocabulary understanding, to revise active words.

To check their grammar skills on the previous topic about adjectives.

To check and revise the usage of as and like.

To check their knowledge of grammar.

To check their knowledge of grammar.

If student is wrong, teacher corrects him or her. If student is right – she praises him or her.

If students don’t have their HW then teacher asks to do it at the classroom.





Teacher gives out sheets of paper with a text “First Time in the Air” which is taken from Laser Pre-FCE book. Then she explains that they are going to read the text and translate it in Lithuanian. Also, for questions 1-6 they will choose the answer (A, B, C or D) and explain or prove it with text words.

Teacher asks to read the text.

Teacher gives 3mins to do the task where they have to choose the right answer.

Finally, teacher asks to do the exercise where they have to complete the sentences using the words in the box (they are connected with students’ active vocabulary).

Students listening to the task.

Students read one by one and translate every sentence in Lithuanian.

Students read the questions and find the right answers. Then they read the answers out loud and explain or prove with a help of the text.

Students do the tasks and volunteers read the answers.

To introduce the task, make them familiar with the text.

To revise active “transport” vocabulary.  

To develop reading skills in a particular topic and text.